make money with your phone

making money with the phone; No capital in the house

It’s great that you’re looking to learn how to make money with your phone, and congratulations on your success. So you understand there are better ways to be active on the Internet and social networks.

Now that you have decided to use the possibility of communicating with the world to make money with mobile, we will also show you effective methods in this article.
The methods introduced in this article are efficient and honest. Right now, many people are making money using these methods.In this article, we have introduced and described four ways to earn money with a phone.

Four practical ways to make money with your phone

1- Take a picture and sell it! Earning with mobile

One of the ways to make money with a phone is to take photos and sell photos on photo-selling sites.
You may ask why people are willing to pay to buy photos.

The reason is apparent. We live in the age of content, and many people make money by creating content. Therefore, they need high-quality photos for the articles they write for their website or blog.
A good photo is one of the factors that increase site traffic.

You don’t need to be a professional photographer or have a professional camera to make money this way. You can also take photos with your smartphone, sell them, and make money this way.
What is important is that your photos are creative and of high quality.

You can sell your photos on sites like Shutterstock, Alamy, Foap, 500px, Etsy, Adobe Stock, Crestock, etc.

2- Making videos and becoming a YouTuber: the best way to earn money with your phone

Another way to make money with your phone is to create and upload a video to YouTube. You can record videos and work on YouTube in any field you are skilled in.

If you reach 4000 hours of views and 1000 subscribers in the last year, YouTube will place ads on your videos.

The more your videos are seen, the more income you will get, provided that the audience watches your entire video and does not skip ads.
You can have simple skills to make a video.

For example, one of the high-earning YouTubers is an American boy named Ryan, who talks about different toys in his videos and evaluates them.

Therefore, you can even make a video of how to clean your car, or if you are a housewife, record a video about housekeeping tips.

Also, many of you have probably heard of James Charles. James Charles is one of the famous American and world influencers in the field of makeup and beauty. He is a successful YouTuber with a net worth of $12 million.

YouTube is a boundless ocean in which there are all kinds of audiences. What is important is that, first of all, your video is attractive and engages the audience, and second, you upload videos regularly.

3- Watching the advertising video: easily earn dollars with your phone

One of the ways to earn money with mobile is to watch advertising videos. This is something you can do in your spare time.
Many sites pay you to watch promotional videos.

List of sites that pay you by watching videos:


It is one of the most famous. It has playlists categorized by various topics, such as fashion, food, sports, technology, and politics. You can choose and watch promotional videos based on your interest.
Use Swagbucks as a search engine instead of Google. You can earn by participating in the surveys of this service.

They pay you to participate in surveys because these surveys are considered a form of market research that provides good information for businesses to make or modify their products according to market tastes and good sales.


It is an open-source web browser that differs from Google Chrome in that it blocks ads.
But recently, it has concluded that it is better to show ads in a targeted manner and pay those who watch the ad videos. Of course, ads are displayed for those who have activated the option to show ads.

4- Social networks: a great way to earn dollars with mobile

What I said about YouTube also applies to Instagram and all other social networks.
Therefore, consider the power of social networks such as Instagram and YouTube, and use these facilities to earn dollars with your phone.

To experience good income, you must produce practical and valuable content engaging the audience.

Influencers work in different fields such as entertainment video, lifestyle, sports and health, makeup and beauty, fashion and clothing, cooking, tourism and tourism, photography, writing, technology, game, marketing and advertising, and many other fields.


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