How do we distinguish the iPhone rip pack and refresh from the original pack?

The difference between the iPhone refresh, rip pack, and original pack is one of the fundamental questions iPhone users ask before buying Apple products. The famous Apple brand is at the top of the table, and none of the companies can compete with Apple. The Apple brand has fans worldwide, and few people do not like the products of this company. When buying this company’s phones, in addition to having information about the mobile phone that we intend to buy, we should also be aware of the difference between the iPhone and Rippack, and the original pack should also have enough information. If we are not familiar with the ways to recognize it, it may go wrong somehow.
Let us ease your mind by saying that if you buy a product from authorized Apple dealers or stores, there is no need to worry. Still, suppose you have purchased or plan to buy a used iPhone from other stores. In that case, We suggest you read the article on how to distinguish iPhone rip pack and refresh from the original pack from MyPhoNews so that you have enough knowledge when buying a phone.

After reading this article, you will become an expert. You can easily distinguish an iPhone rip pack from a used iPhone and an original iPhone pack, and you can safely make your purchase or diagnose your iPhone.

iPhone rip

Some people and companies try to make huge profits by making poor copies of Apple products. But is every ripped iPhone a product of profiteers?

In answer to this question, we must say no. By taking returned goods from customers and replacing defective parts, Apple markets them with new accessories at a much lower price. Of course, not all Rippack iPhones are official iPhone reproductions, and third-party companies do this.

The smartphone market is filled with the widest variety of devices. In the meantime, Ripak iPhone appears as a new and attractive option in the smartphone category. As a remastered version, iPhone Repack combines the classic design of the past iPhone, modern power, and performance with a familiar and unique look.

What is an iPhone rip?

As the name suggests, it means repackaging the iPhone. A repacked or second-hand iPhone is the same original iPhone previously purchased and used by a user. Then, due to various reasons such as failure, it was returned and returned by the seller, or The manufacturer has been repaired and restored.
Refurbished iPhones usually sell for a lower price than a new iPhone or an original iPhone pack. They can be a good option for those looking for a high-quality phone with good performance but want to avoid buying a new high-end device. However, when purchasing a Ripak iPhone, it is necessary to pay attention to safety points and ensure the quality and authenticity of the phone.

iPhone repacks are those that are repaired and refurbished by third-party sellers. These phones may differ in quality and performance from Apple Refurbished iPhones.

Here are some reasons for repacking the iPhone:

1- The phone box may have been lost in transportation for various reasons, but its accessories are healthy and original. In these cases, some countries make a box similar to the original phone box, seal it again, and enter the market.

2- Sometimes, the phone can be repaired, and the seller will replace the box and sell it to you as an original iPhone, which, even in these cases, is nothing to worry about because, with the things you will learn, you can easily Make sure your phone is original.

3- Sometimes, the phone is entirely original, but its accessories may have been changed, and non-original accessories may have been placed inside. In these cases, the accessory should be carefully checked to ensure its authenticity.

4- The lower models of the iPhone are all offered as iPhone rip phones. Since there are a lot of refurbished old phones, profiteers take apart several broken phones and disassemble them to make new ones and then sell them in the market as new phones with new, recognizable packaging, of course.

Points to consider when buying an iPhone repack:

Ensure the authenticity and quality of the iPhone.
Check the iPhone warranty.
Find out about the conditions for returning and replacing an iPhone.

In general, it is challenging to distinguish Ripak phones. A phone may not be activated, but its accessories have been changed. In the following, we will discuss how to recognize a Ripak phone.

How do we recognize that our iPhone is a risk?

If you still need to buy your desired iPhone, or if you have bought your phone and have recently noticed the presence of repacked iPhones in the mobile market, be sure to pay attention to the points described below.

Some people looking for market profit produce cases for refurbished Apple iPhones that are almost identical in appearance to the original model and are very difficult to distinguish. But don’t worry; even in such cases, there is a way to identify the phone.

Wet your hand or wipe the writing on the box with a damp cloth. If the sentences fade, the phone is not genuine. Of course, in most cases, these boxes are different from the original version. You should consider the font size. Find the difference between font type, color, text, and images on the box.

The second case is the packaging of non-original accessories. If you notice this, check the product immediately. Fortunately, Apple’s new accessory packaging makes it challenging to repackage the phone, and profiteers can no longer repackage it as they did on day one.


Of course, since the iPhone 12, there is no charger in the iPhone box.

The last thing you need to do to ensure the phone isn’t a scam is to check the battery status and the phone’s serial number on the Apple website. Also, check the entire phone body to ensure there are no scratches.

Also, to find out if your iPhone is original, Ripak approved by Apple, or Ripak of third-party companies, follow the steps below:

Enter the General section from the settings section and then touch the About option.
By touching the word Model number, information will be displayed to you. See the information about the part in the following part number.
If the first letter of the letters in front of this phrase is N, it means that your phone is an iPhone Rippack and Apple-approved.

What is a refresh phone?

At this stage, assume that your iPhone is the original pack; if you unbox and use it, you will face a technical defect in the speaker, screen, etc. The production line of this device is related, and the company in question is obliged to take over the defective phone from you and deliver a new and healthy phone to you.

A refurbished iPhone is an iPhone that has had a technical problem after production. In some situations, Apple engineers are forced to replace or repair a specific piece of hardware or software to solve the problem of these types of iPhones. For example, imagine you have bought a new iPhone, and when you run it, you realize the fingerprint scanner is broken! In this situation, if you return the purchased iPhone to Apple, Apple will replace or repair its fingerprint scanner and then send it to the market as a refurbished or returned iPhone at a lower price.

Apple claims that this company’s returned or refurbished iPhones are no different from completely healthy iPhones in terms of performance quality. However, there is no doubt that no user wants to buy a refurbished iPhone. Undoubtedly, replacing or repairing iPhone parts can cause problems in the long run. At the very least, the user’s negative view of the lack of quality of the refurbished iPhone leads to any typical failure in the device being attributed to its return. Therefore, in general, no one wants to buy a refurbished iPhone. But how can we distinguish a refurbished or returned iPhone from a healthy, quality one?

It is possible to distinguish a refurbished iPhone from a healthy iPhone. In general, there are different ways to do this. If you want to avoid a seller providing you with a refurbished or returned iPhone, pay attention to the following before buying the device. If you need more explanations regarding any of the described sections and items, you can contact MyPhoNews experts by leaving a comment and asking them for more detailed guidance. Stay tuned with MyPhoNews.

Apple’s explanation about refreshing iPhones:

Apple has provided important explanations about refreshed iPhones on its website, which we will review below.

All refurbished iPhones have a new case and battery and are covered by Apple’s warranty for up to one year.

If the phone is defective, the user can return it, and the shipping fee is accessible in countries with an official Apple store.

Apple makes all the new parts of the refreshed iPhones, which are entirely original, and the iPhones are packed in a new box with all the accessories and cables. Done.

Although the refreshed iPhones have passed all the tests related to the proper functioning of the device, it should be noted that these phones may be flawed. In the following, we will examine the possible disadvantages of these phones.

Disadvantages of refurbished iPhones:

Since these phones have replacement parts, the lifespan of these parts may be different from the original parts.

In some cases, these refurbished phones may still be defective.

The refresh phone warranty differs from the Akband iPhones’; fewer items are included.

Ultimately, we should expect little from refreshed phones, and we shouldn’t compare their performance with Akband iPhones because these phones can only work for a short time without problems.

General methods of diagnosing a refurbished iPhone:

If an iPhone is a refurbished type, a particular extension can be seen in its model number, which identifies this issue for us. It should be noted that this tutorial also applies to iPads.

– First, you must enter (Settings),

– Select the (General) option,

– After that, select the (About) option,

In this section, you can see the device information.

– In the (Model) section, the first characteristic of your device is one of these letters, namely (M. F. N. P). The phrase in question is something similar to MN572LL/A.

Each of these letters has its meaning:

– The letter M means a brand new phone.

– The letter N means that Apple has refurbished the iPhone.

– The letter P means the personalization of the iPhone phone, which is engraved on its body.

– The letter F means to repair the device by another company.

Note: Another way to recognize Refresh phones is the phrase (RFB) on the phone box, an abbreviation of the word (Refresh Forever boys). If this phrase has been removed from the device box, the seller may have removed it.

Another way to check the serial number of the device:

Checking the serial number of the iPhone is the best way to determine its authenticity. In this method, enter the settings menu, go to the General section, and tap About. In this section, look for the term Serial Number; next to it, you will find a term consisting of several letters and numbers in the form ABCDEFG8HJ84. Write down this phrase.

In the next step, go to and enter your device’s serial number in the box in the middle of the page. Finally, please enter the code at the end of the page in its box and click on the Continue option to enter the next step.

On the final page, you will see some phrases. If your iPhone is unlocked, you will see a phrase like “This phone has not been activated” at the top of the screen.

Check the “Apple Certified” seal on the box of the device

iPhones that Apple has technically inspected before being put on the market and are not refurbished have a special ” Apple Certified ” seal or label.” This seal guarantees the authenticity and quality of your iPhone. Although we have to say that in some situations, it has been seen that iPhones with this seal have faced functional and technical problems, in any case, we recommend that you check the presence of this seal in the device box.

If the desired iPhone is turned off or you cannot turn it on, check the device’s serial number by referring to the mentioned path. Don’t worry. You can see its serial number by referring to the SIM card slot of the device. The serial number of iPhones is generally printed on their SIM card tray. Also, if you have an original version of Apple iPhone, its serial number is attached to the device’s back panel. But what do you do after obtaining the iPhone serial number? How can this serial number distinguish a refurbished iPhone from a healthy iPhone?

After finding the desired iPhone serial number, you must check several things and points. These items and tips are as follows:

In the first step, look for the number 5 at the beginning of the device’s serial number. If your iPhone serial number starts with 5, the iPhone you have is a refurbished or returned iPhone. Apple always starts the serial number of returned or refurbished iPhones with the number 5.

Pay attention to the third number of the desired iPhone serial number. The third number of the iPhone serial number indicates the last number of its production year. For example, if the third number is the iPhone 8 serial number, it can be concluded that this iPhone was produced in 2008. If this number is 0, the iPhone was built in 2010. So, pay attention to the third number of your iPhone serial number.
In the next step, check the fourth and fifth digits of the iPhone serial number. These numbers specify the production week of the desired iPhone. For example, imagine that the fourth and fifth digits of the serial number of an iPhone produced in 2010 are 5 and 1, respectively (i.e., the number 51). In this situation, the iPhone in question was made in the 51st week of 2010, which coincides with the end of December.

Please pay attention to the iPhone box and especially its color!

Another point that you must pay attention to to distinguish a refurbished iPhone from a healthy iPhone is related to the color of the device box. Apple generally sells refurbished iPhones in an all-white box. Also, signs and symptoms, such as the opening of the box, tearing of its labels, etc., can all be considered warning signs.

If you buy your iPhone from an unknown person, pay attention to the device’s health and box. Try to compare the IMEI code of your iPhone with the IMEI code listed on the box to make sure of the connection between the box and the device. Some profit-seeking people may use the method of stolen iPhones, and checking the device’s IMEI code can prevent them from achieving their sinister goal.


As you can see in this article, we have provided as much information as possible to identify refurbished and repacked iPhones. Again, if you have experience in this field and have helpful information that will be useful to others, be sure to comment.

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